Student Spotlight: Austin Gailey

For this week's Student Spotlight we're interviewing Austin Gailey! As you'll see while reading his interview, Austin is an insightful and eloquent writer and we are so lucky to have him in the program! Here's his interview!

Undergraduate University: The University of Oklahoma

Undergrad Major: Biology

What made you interested in healthcare administration?
-       It is no secret that the U.S. healthcare system is largely segmented, non-transparent, and for many, care provision is prohibitively expensive. I have always found joy in improving the lives of others, and motivation in being confronted with great challenges – a career in healthcare administration affords me both. As Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Far and away the best prize life has to offer is working hard at work worth doing.” To me, there is no work more worth doing than improving the health and well-being of others.

What made you decide to apply to Trinity?
-       Trinity’s Health Care Administration program is a well-renowned, highly-ranked program, with an educational approach and philosophy that has produced countless healthcare leaders.

What has been your favorite part of the program?
-       My favorite part of the program is either the collaborative nature of the curriculum, or the tight-knit community feel.

What part of the program are you the most excited about?
-       I am most excited about the possibility of getting to compete in further rounds of the Cleveland Clinic Case Competition.

If you could give any advice to yourself right before you started the program, what would it be?
-       Approach the curriculum and program as a whole with an open mind, because creativity and collaboration are essential for innovation.


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