Student Spotlight: Garrett Dewbre

Student Spotlights are back! We're excited to be starting off this semester's round of interviews with Garrett Dewbre, a member of the On Campus HCAD class of 2021. We look forward to learning more about Garrett and his classmates throughout this year!

Undergraduate University: Texas Tech University

Undergrad Major: Biology

What made you interested in healthcare administration? 
I first became interested in healthcare administration while working as a phlebotomist in a hospital. I made friends with a few administrators and became very interested in the work they did. Overtime, these mentors helped me realize that a career in healthcare administration would allow me to combine my passion for healthcare and business.

What made you decide to apply to Trinity?
Trinity’s HCAD program is nationally ranked, and my mentors spoke very highly of the program. The residency portion of the program was a huge factor for me, and I also like that Trinity has a very supportive alumni network. 

What are you most looking forward to in the program?
I’m looking forward to a lot of things, but three things I’m looking forward to most is building lifelong friendships with my classmates, participating in case competitions, and the residency program.


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