Starting 2017 With the Executives

The new year has begun, and this week we've also begun the Spring 2017 semester!  We were thrilled to welcome our Executive Program students back to campus earlier this week.  Each semester, Executive Program students travel to campus for three intensive days of classroom instruction, engagement, and professional development.  This semester, first-year Executive students began coursework in Information Technology, Managerial Accounting, and Health Care Organization Theory & Management.  Second-year students embarked on perhaps the most challenging semester of their program, with courses including Strategic Planning & Marketing, Strategic Management of Health Services, and Leadership Effectiveness.

In addition to tackling these courses, students from both classes also enjoyed visits and professional development presentations by esteemed Trinity HCAD alumni, including Glenn Robinson, President at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Hillcrest in Waco, and Abbe Ulrich, Principal at Korn Ferry.

Of course, with so much work crammed into so little time, it's important to provide opportunities for students to balance and unwind with their classmates, helping to forge stronger relationships and bonds together.  We had a great time taking a "class trip" to see the San Antonio Spurs play against the Milwaukee Bucks, where we saw Coach Popovich's effective leadership skills at work, observed team dynamics in practice, and most importantly, took advantage of a chance to get to know each other more deeply in a fun, relaxed setting.

We always look forward to the start of the new semester when we have the Executive students back on campus again and kick off the new semester in style.  This semester was no exception, and we are excited to continue our conversations and discussions as the semester progresses, with each student now going back to their respective homes and engaging the program by distance, applying material we're learning directly with their current experiences in practice.


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