Research Spotlight: ACOs & TCE
What might accountable care organizations (ACOs) look like moving forward? As ACOs continue to grow and evolve in our health care delivery system, how will pursuit of ACO models align with consolidation pressures in the health care industry? This month's Research Spotlight post shines on a recent article by Dr. Steve Mick (Virginia Commonwealth University) and our own Dr. Patrick Shay, who together considered the question of whether the continued proliferation of ACO models may encourage health care organizations to adopt vertically integrated organizational forms. Their work, included as part of a special December issue of Medical Care Research and Review dedicated to using organization theory to understand ACOs, applies a perspective known as Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) to explore what degree of vertical integration activity ACO forms may take. Developed from the work of Nobel laureates Oliver Williamson and Ronald Coase, TCE focuses on the classic "make...