Annual Women's Forum

First year students: Rebecca, Christina, Emily, Anna and Caroline We would like to extend our gratitude to AnneMarie Witecki, Megan Powe and Patra Katsigiannis for inviting the first-year students to the Women’s Forum on Thursday, October 30 th . We were fortunate to listen to Keynote Speaker, Christann Vasquez, President of Seton Medical Center and a prominent figure in the health care industry. Following our discussion with Ms. Vasquez, the students formed small discussion groups to speak about the challenges that females have in executive and leadership positions. The session ended with the opportunity for students to ask questions to a panel of successful Trinity Alumni including Xochy Hurtado, Tina Ortega, and Leah Spann-Lacy. Many of the questions focused on work-life balance, raising children while in the work force, and the general challenges that women face in the business world. Overall, this was a very informative and engaging session. W...