Visit to CentroMed

The first year students in the on-campus program (class of 2016) made their very first campus visit to CentroMed

They were fortunate to meet Raymond Wei (Vice-President of Business Development & Ancillary Services) and Anna Maria Garza Cortez (Vice President of Development & Marketing). Mr. Wei, an alumni of the Trinity MHA program, gave an informative presentation on CentroMed. Some of the aspects he discussed included: services provided by the facility, a background on Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), sources of revenue and funding, rapid changes within the organization, and areas for improvement. After the presentation, students divided into two groups and toured the facility. This gave them a chance to see many of the services that CentroMed provides in addition to asking questions. Overall, this visit allowed the first year students to understand how this organization operates on a day-to-day basis. The students are looking forward to future Friday morning visits!


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