Introducing the TU HCAD Herald!

Welcome to the Trinity University HCAD Herald, a blog that provides accounts of experiences in the Trinity University Health Care Administration Department (HCAD) from a variety of perspectives.  Contributors include first-year and second-year students in our on-campus graduate program, students in our executive program who simultaneously juggle graduate studies with full-time work experiences in health care organizations, and administrative residents completing their year-long residencies prior to graduation and embarking upon a career in health care administration, as well as faculty, staff, and alumni of our nationally recognized graduate program in health care administration.  Through the contributions of these varied voices, we hope to provide a glimpse into what the life of a health care administration student looks like, and we also look forward to capturing the latest news about our program to share with all who take interest in health care administration and the great things that we're doing in San Antonio.


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