
Showing posts from January, 2019

Innovation in Healthcare

Dr. Jamo Rubin: TAVHealth Dr. Jamo Rubin is the founder and CEO of San Antonio-based TAVHealth , a cloud-based platform built to address the social determinants of health. A former cardiac transplant anesthesiologist, Dr. Rubin founded and led Medical Present Value, a contract management and revenue cycle company,now Experian Healthcare, and PTRX, a consumer-oriented pharmacy benefits manager now Catamaran. He also co-founded and led Tenzing Health, a division of Vanguard Health Systems. He spoke with the class about what defines innovation in healthcare and how when it comes to health outcomes, nurture plays a far bigger role than nature. Dr. Rubin explained how the US was founded on principles of compassionate legislation and competitive economy and that the tension between those two principles is where the gaps in our healthcare system come from. As future healthcare leaders our job will be to see these problems as opportunities to create a more sustainable healthcare syste...

New Year, New Policy

What is the issue? Beginning from the first of this year, hospitals are required to post their chargemaster online in an effort to improve price transparency and empower patients. This ruling stems from the 2019 inpatient and long-term care hospital prospective payment system in which the CMS included the requirement for hospital to update their public price lists annually. CMS states , “ CMS encourages hospitals to undertake efforts to engage in consumer friendly communication of their charges to help patients understand what their potential financial liability might be for services they obtain at the hospital, and to enable patients to compare charges for similar services across hospitals. ” What does this mean for patients? In theory this sounds like a step in the right direction. Visible prices could mean that consumers can compare prices across hospitals and choose the best option for them. However, according to business news website Modern Healthcare , there is con...

Student Spotlight: Kristen Fallas

Our Student Spotlight series is back! We're starting off 2019 strong by interviewing Kristen Fallas, a member of the Class of 2020.  We're so glad to have her in the program and without further ado, here's her interview! Undergraduate University: The   University of Texas at Austin Undergrad Major: Human Development and Family Sciences What made you interested in healthcare administration? I have always had a passion for healthcare, but during my time as an undergraduate student I realized my passion for business as well. Healthcare administration allows me to have a meaningful career where I can combine these two passions. Another thing that I really like about healthcare administration is the dynamic nature of the field. Administrators are tasked with finding innovative solutions which is something I find really exciting. What made you decide to apply to Trinity? After researching many MHA programs, the year-long residency made Trinity stand ou...