Innovation in Healthcare

Dr. Jamo Rubin: TAVHealth Dr. Jamo Rubin is the founder and CEO of San Antonio-based TAVHealth , a cloud-based platform built to address the social determinants of health. A former cardiac transplant anesthesiologist, Dr. Rubin founded and led Medical Present Value, a contract management and revenue cycle company,now Experian Healthcare, and PTRX, a consumer-oriented pharmacy benefits manager now Catamaran. He also co-founded and led Tenzing Health, a division of Vanguard Health Systems. He spoke with the class about what defines innovation in healthcare and how when it comes to health outcomes, nurture plays a far bigger role than nature. Dr. Rubin explained how the US was founded on principles of compassionate legislation and competitive economy and that the tension between those two principles is where the gaps in our healthcare system come from. As future healthcare leaders our job will be to see these problems as opportunities to create a more sustainable healthcare syste...