
Showing posts from August, 2016


This week marked the beginning of a journey for our On-Campus program's Class of 2018, just as last week marked the beginning of a journey for our Executive program's new students.   For both groups, the first week is marked by excitement, enthusiasm, and anticipation for what the future holds.  It's a time where strangers, meeting for the first time, quickly become acquainted with their classmates and look forward to establishing ties that will be maintained throughout their careers.  In some ways it's also like the beginning of a roller coaster, when one gets to the top of the first hill with much excitement but then looks ahead to the rest of the ride and also wonders how will they make it through...for both our Executive and On-Campus program students, we commonly hear that the beginning of the program feels like "drinking water from a fire hose."  Yet, just like a roller coaster, students also commonly reach the end of the program and wonder where...

Welcome Executive Class of 2018!

Earlier this week we welcomed 11 new students in our Executive Graduate program, the Executive Class of 2018!  The students kicked off their first semester with a 3-day on-campus session, with highlights including: a delicious dinner and social gathering at La Fonda on Main; professional development sessions with Bob Shaw, an esteemed alum and Executive-In-Residence; an informative lunch and discussion with Jamie Wesolowski, President and CEO of Methodist Healthcare System; Pecha Kucha presentations providing each student with a chance to "tell their story" and quickly learn about one another; and, of course, an intense three days' worth of rigorous coursework and engaging discussions. [Students hard at work developing their Pecha Kucha presentations in the Health Services Organization & Policy course] Of course, we also welcomed back our second-year Executive students, who we are very proud of as they begin the second half of their program.  One of the great...